This little device senses micro-variances in pressure to guide vascular access.

Introvein's micro-sensors inform dedicated algorithms that guide successful access: delivering real advantages over ultrasound and illumination.

this inexpensive device is simple to use, can reduce stress, increase productivity and improve outcomes, while reducing actual costs.

There are substantial hidden costs in failed vascular access: clinician time, complications and materials can quadruple actual costs.

Simply a much better way to
guide vascular access.

Consider the real cost of vascular access.

Every year, millions of procedures require multiple attempts at vascular access. It is a cause of great stress, and pain. The cost of these mistakes and the complications that often follow are a significant concern.

Introvein is a single device, connected directly to the catheter. It is intuitive to use, inexpensive and greatly improves success rates. Locating veins by means of pressure allows clinicians to more easily access the optimal vein and to be confident in placing the best size catheter for the therapy. Additionally, there is an immediate indication alerting to the event of a double puncture.

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** See reference data

where Introvein can make a difference.

Simple for someone who doesn’t do vascular access regularly
Where there is movement.
Where time is a critical factor
When avoiding a mistake is worth $5.00

Introvein attaches to the catheter, allows continual visual focus

Unlike light and UV access devices that require additional handheld devices, Introvein is a singular device, directly attached to the catheter. It uses micro pressure to sense the vein, and delivers a clear, audible signal, allowing visual focus and use of both hands to concentrate on insertion... There are no distractions from screens, scanners or other secondary devices...

Pressure is a more reliable indicator than illumination

Relying on line-of sight access guides can lead to an inaccurate representation of the vein location and ultimately to misses. The angle of the light source is never perfectly perpendicular to the surface, and a slight shift in the needle insertion angle will result in missing the vein. Introvein uses pressure, which is not subject to distortion from the angle of the needle.

Immediate audible indication of double puncture

Introvein is unique in that not only does it help to locate a vein, it also guides the insertion by delivering a clear auditory alert in the event the device is pushed through the vein.

The device indicates continuously as a guide while within the vein, through the entire insertion process.

If you are an administrator
with a medical organization,
you can pre-order a sample kit.

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